Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Good Morning America: After the Speech

Yesterday, America was invited by Senator Barack Obama to a discourse on race. Will America answer the call? Listening to a few talk shows, conservative and otherwise, the polarization has not stopped. Now, because we know there is plenty of spinning going on, we have to wonder how much of the polarization is actually race baiting on both sides of the aisle. It is disconcerting to say the least to hear only one opinion for 3-6 hours on some of these shows. And, each of these shows is at one point saying that there should be no difference placed based on race, and at the same time spending hours pontificating on race.

We'll not color this debate with any side one or the other but, we will invite you to join in on the debate and ask you not to spin but to give your own honest opinion. How do you feel about racial relations in the U.S.?

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